Sunday, June 15, 2008

Einstein's Hatchday

WOW!Was I REALLY this Small?

It's hard to believe, but on June 15, 1997,
I hatched from an egg just like this!

A special thank you to my African Grey friend "Rita" for laying this egg.
(Rita doesn't have a mate, so the egg was not fertile.)


Anonymous said...

I love the photo of Einstein with the egg. Please ask Rita's owner how to get a grey parrot to stop laying eggs.

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) Hatch Day! We added you to the Best of the Web blog directory for Bird blogs.

Anonymous said...

How do you get a bird like that? can you get them at petstores?

Einstein Parrot said...

African Grey Parrots require a great deal of care and attention. You should seek out only a reputable breeder or a rescue facility for adoption. Please do some reading about this or any type of parrot before you buy one. You need to also know that they are noisy, messy, needy, and expensive. They may not be the right kind of pet for your lifestyle.

Jolea said...


Anonymous said...

How old does a female African Grey start laying eggs? If Einstein's a girl, would she lay eggs someday?

Einstein Parrot said...

African Greys are mature sexually at about 7 years. If... Einstein is indeed a girl she is capable of laying an egg. so far, she has chosen not to.

Anonymous said...

I saw an african grey(for real, not from the web) for the first time last night.... ohhhhh
I wish I could have that sweet thing ready to go home with some guy. I realized that I probably would never keep one because of my asthma.

Anonymous said...

my grandmother Has afircangray. His name is smokey and isabout 1 year old andcan talk,just not as good as Einstein.

bird supplies said...

Einstein is a great looking CAG. Like the picture of her with the egg.

johnean said...

hello my name is johnean and were getting a grey. her hatch day was march 5 2011 hopefully she can come home soon we go every other day to visit for like 3-4 hrs its a 45 min drive or we would go everyday. we are getting penny to replace the 3rd child we cant have lol in a way so she well have her own room and toys just like our children. your site is the best we came across and my husband loves the perches and stands and the photo of einsteins stand at the hotel gave him a great idea as he says thank you so much